What is the time frame and syllabus of Rawa’ Program?

Time frame:

Affiliating to Rawa’ program starts in July every year, and the start of its carefully made plan starts in September of every year, the plan is for five consecutive years, the first year being preparation year and is divided to four aspects, while the four remaining years are specialized years, each of them is divided to 3 aspects, each of them is four months long.


Rawa’ program uses four methods to achieve the wanted knowledge level, these are:

1- Reading:

Mishkah’s team crafted a thorough plan for the books to be read in Rawa’ program, and that is to make sure that the scientific resources that provide the readers with enough knowledge to achieve an understanding of the subjects in each aspect are comprehensive, and are aligned with the other aspects, and that is through the five levels of Rawa’.

The reading syllabus for Rawa’ program will be provided later on.

2- Audio Lectures:

Doctor Kefah Abu Hannoud will give weekly lectures to the affiliates, for the following reasons:

  1. Correcting religious concepts.
  2. To share the path to God, with specific worship assignments.

3- Articles, studies and videos:

Scientific resources that talk about realistic global reoccurring cases will be chosen, to spread knowledge between the affiliates.

4- interactive discussions with specialized people in Mishkah subjects:

These discussions will be on social media platforms in closed groups for the affiliates, conversation subjects will be given and discussed to help achieve the goals of Rawa’ program.

What is the reading syllabus for Rawa’ program?

Rawa’ program’s levels need five years to finish, and following are the details to the reading syllabus for each level:

Level one: The Edge Of Consciousness

The training in this level is for one year, and it’s the preparation period for the four remaining yeas of Rawa’ program, it includes reading the following books in the given order:

Aspect number

Book Name


Book one: في ظلال اليوم الآخر  Fe Thelal Alyoum Al-A'kher

Book two: رسالة المسترشدين Treatise for the seekers of guidance


Book one: قيمة الزمن عند العلماء Qimat Al-Zaman Enda Al-Ulama'

Book two: فقه الاستدراك


Book one: كيف نتعامل مع القرآن Kaifa Nata’amalo Ma’ Al-Quran

Book two: استرداد عمر Esterdado Omar


Book one: روائع من حضارتنا Civilization of faith

Book two: هكذا ظهر جيل صلاح الدين وهكذا عادت القدس Hakatha thahar jeile Salah Al-Din wa Hakatha A’adat Al Quds


Level two: Making The Muslim Woman

It’s the first of the four specialized years in Rawa’ program, and it includes reading the following books:

Aspect Number

Book Name


Book one: تنوير المؤمنات The Muslim woman: Journey into the light

Book two: سيماء المرأة


Book one: بيان الإسلام Bayan Al Islam

Book two: شبهات حول المرأة المسلمة Shobhat Hawla Al Mara’h Al Moslimah

Book three: دور المرأة المسلمة في التّنمية Dawr Al Mara’h fe Al Tanmiah


Book one: دليل التّربية الأسريّة Daleel AlTarbiah AlUsariah

Book two: تأسيس عقلية الطفل Ta’sees Aqliat Al Tefil

Book three: هكذا نربي Hakatha Nurabi


Level three: Human Making

This level includes reading the following books:

Aspect Number

Book Name


Book one: حتى يغيّروا ما بأنفسهم Hatta Yoghayiro Ma Bea’nfosehem

Book two: عصرنا والعيش في زمانه الصّعب A’srona Wala’ysho fe Zamaneh Alsa’ab

Book three: الأهداف Goals


Book one: فقه بناء الإنسان في القرآن Fiqh Bena’ AlEnsan fe AlQuran

Book two: شروط النهضة Shorout Alnahda


Book one: الإنسان يبحث عن المعنى Al Ensan Yabhathu A’n Alma’na

Book two: كتاب آخَرُك A’khirok

Book three: فقه التّعامل مع النّاس Fiqh Alta’amol ma’ Alnas


Level four: Advocate Making

Advocate making level includes reading the following books:

Aspect Number

Book Name








Level five: With Vision

The last level of Rawa’ program, and it includes reading the following books:

Aspect Number

Book Name




