A Trip for Mishka Administrative Staff

On Saturday, July 16, 2022, iikhadh Education Consultancy Company organised a trip to Bait Al-Asayel Farm, Amman, Jordan for the Mishkah administrative staff, as a token of love, thanks and appreciation for all the great and sincere efforts made by the staff during its third season of knowledge.

The founder and general manager, Dr. Kifah Abu Hanoud, and the administrative body of department officials, directors and supervisors have participated in the trip.

The number of attendees reached 250 participants from different countries, including Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, America, among others.

The trip included many important and interesting events and activities. Dr. Kifah Abu Hanoud opened the events with a welcoming speech in which she shed light on the company’s goals and future vision, and through which she reviewed the latest achievements that have been achieved in the grace of Allah.

The attendees also enjoyed many fraternal moments that extended the means of communication and strengthened the bridges of love and intimacy between the hearts that Mishkah brought together and united them despite the different origins and roots.

It was a day filled with love, cordiality, and a lot of feelings of pride and honour for this great edifice. Hence, we ask Allah to bless this edifice, its people and to graciously accept it.

All thanks are due to the management of Bait Al-Asayel Farm for their cooperation in making the meeting a success.