Dr. Osama Nimer AbdulQader


  1. 2005 Attorney’s Certificate in Family Affairs and Family Rights, the Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ), Jordan.
  2. 2003 PhD in Hadith and its Sciences, University of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, Omdurman, Sudan.
  3. 1995  MA in Hadith and its Sciences, University of Jordan, Jordan.
  4. 1989 BA in Islamic Studies, University of Jordan, Jordan.

Work Experience:

  1. Conducted various courses in Hadith Sciences at different levels (Al-Bayquniyyah, Al-Ba’ith Al-Hathith, Al-Muqizah, Sciences of Hadith by Ibn Salah, and discussions on Sunnah from Islamic jurisprudence).
  2. 2008-2023 Lecturer (full-time), Zarqa Private University, Zarqa, Jordan.
  3. 2014-2015 Deputy Dean and Head of Islamic Studies Department, Zarqa Private University, Zarqa, Jordan.
  4. 2007 Arabic Language Instructor for Non-native Speakers, Modern Language Institute, Amman, Jordan.
  5. 2005-2008 Personal Status Law Lawyer, Amman, Jordan.
  6. Lecturer (part-time), University of Jordan, Jordan. (March, 2005–July, 2005; September, 1997–December, 1997).
  7. 1996-1998 Lecturer (full-time), Jerash University, Jordan.
  8. 1991-1993 Islamic Studies Teacher, Al-Manhal International Schools, Jordan.
  9. 1989-1991 Islamic Studies Teacher, Manarat Al-Ilm School, Jordan.
  10. Member of the Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC), Jordan.
  11. Member of the Arab Association of Translation and Intercultural Dialogue (ATIDA).

Training Courses:

  1. 1995 Arabic Typing Mastery, Sight & Sound Center, Jordan.
  2. 1996 English Typing Mastery, Sight & Sound Center, Jordan.
  3. 1997 English language, British Council, Jordan.
  4. 1998 English Conversation, Sight & Sound Center, Jordan.
  5. English language, CAREERXCHANGE Foundation, Jordan
  6. 2005 International Computer Driving License (ICDL), Jordanian Engineers' Association, Jordan.
  7. 2006 English Language Level 3 (Reading and Writing Skills), American Language Center, Jordan.
  8. 2006 English Language Level 3 (Listening and Speaking Skills), American Language Center, Jordan.
  9. 2006 Translator Training (Arabic-English/English-Arabic), Talal Abu-Ghazaleh School, German Jordanian University, Jordan.
  10. 2006 Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, Language Center, University of Jordan.
  11. 2006 Trainer of Trainers (TOTs) in Environmental Laws and Regulations, Ministry of Environment and the Jordanian Environmental Society, Jordan.
  12. 2006 Specialised Training Course in Teaching Methods of SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) System, Jordan.
  13. 2007 German Language (Levels 1-3).

Activities and Conferences:


  1. Delivered a YouTube series of academic lectures on “Nuzhat Al Nadhr Fi Tawdih Nukhbat Al-Fikr - The Delight of Reflection in Explaining the Elite of Thought” (36 lectures) (2022-2023).

Link to the first lecture (Introductory): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tZRk9cG_-c 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Hadith Sciences: Transmission and Understanding” (2022).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/_GHY8gPs97o?si=C2P5d2SV5edH4013 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “The Reasonability of Hadith Authentication and Weakening Criteria” (2020).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/uSxsC17T9jw?si=6nn0rW23uEXRljTf 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Mercy and Tolerance in the Hadith ‘I was commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah’” (2020).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/i6zsbAD5DcU?si=awLlRSAuVnNCDlYe 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Explaining the Hadith ‘If there were to be a prophet after me, it would be Umar’” (2020).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/xFl5mHqMeF4?si=2QYJvVVzG3476JOH 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “What if a sound chain contradicts the text in Hadith?” (2020).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/KhdHcU10xEU?si=ic__7LtXhOnqbpJA 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Hadith and Textual Criticism” (2017).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/FGqJkMyDdUA?si=knTTkgPjzy7nz0yf 

  1. Delivered two YouTube lectures on “Music: An Islamic Jurists’ Perspective” (2016-2017).

Link to the first lecture: https://youtu.be/e5mNF1QJUzU?si=vHw85OxhWC5hLCfX

Link to the second lecture: https://youtu.be/vcNGghiTwAg?si=ufLR01ikqR83y2c5

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “The Sunnah and its Relationship with the Qur’an: Authority, Role, and Documentation” (2016).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/xe035tSLIxI?si=Ib-jr58MnC59mqfa 

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Interacting with Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim: Introduction to Authentication Criteria and Justice of the Companions” (2016).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/IKd8aSrvZ8Y?si=kTtYQyceu2JgcM2p

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Marriage to Aisha” (2016).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/Z1CG29F-lPA?si=SRVFLOV_R7GBhmRP

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Was a Verse of the Qur’an Lost? Discussion of the Hadith about the Goat Eating a Qur’anic Manuscript” (2016).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/8Tv2yy4Ll5c?si=kl_akJDrF7n3uGIF

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Hadith and Its Relation to Islamic Creed” (4 lectures) (2014).

Link to the first lecture: https://youtu.be/arLN91wvA18?si=p-l9nxs0SWhwvvcP

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim: Infallibility and Criticism” (2013).

Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/23yJISbnOwg?si=WGIIQUhrzEIwXZt9

  1. Delivered a YouTube lecture on “The Science of Inheritance” (24 short videos) (2012-2013).

Link to the lecture:


  1. Delivered a Course on “Fundamentals of Inheritance Distribution”, Zarqa University, Jordan (March 7, 2011 - April 7, 2011).
  2. Conducted a Workshop on “Arts in Islam”, Zarqa University, Jordan (2010-2011).
  3. Delivered a Lecture on “Women's Rights under the Jordanian Personal Status Law”, Zarqa University, Jordan (March 22, 2010).
  4. Delivered a Lecture on “Pave Your Way to Allah with Roses”, Zarqa University, Jordan (November 23, 2009).



  1. Co-author: The Awareness Level of Islamic Education Teachers on the Prophetic Methods and Their Application: Islamic Education Teachers’ Perspective, Jerash University Journal, Jordan, April 16, 2019.


[email protected]