- 2005 Attorney’s Certificate in Family Affairs and Family Rights, the Office of the Chief Justice (OCJ), Jordan.
- 2003 PhD in Hadith and its Sciences, University of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences, Omdurman, Sudan.
- 1995 MA in Hadith and its Sciences, University of Jordan, Jordan.
- 1989 BA in Islamic Studies, University of Jordan, Jordan.
Work Experience:
- Conducted various courses in Hadith Sciences at different levels (Al-Bayquniyyah, Al-Ba’ith Al-Hathith, Al-Muqizah, Sciences of Hadith by Ibn Salah, and discussions on Sunnah from Islamic jurisprudence).
- 2008-2023 Lecturer (full-time), Zarqa Private University, Zarqa, Jordan.
- 2014-2015 Deputy Dean and Head of Islamic Studies Department, Zarqa Private University, Zarqa, Jordan.
- 2007 Arabic Language Instructor for Non-native Speakers, Modern Language Institute, Amman, Jordan.
- 2005-2008 Personal Status Law Lawyer, Amman, Jordan.
- Lecturer (part-time), University of Jordan, Jordan. (March, 2005–July, 2005; September, 1997–December, 1997).
- 1996-1998 Lecturer (full-time), Jerash University, Jordan.
- 1991-1993 Islamic Studies Teacher, Al-Manhal International Schools, Jordan.
- 1989-1991 Islamic Studies Teacher, Manarat Al-Ilm School, Jordan.
- Member of the Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC), Jordan.
- Member of the Arab Association of Translation and Intercultural Dialogue (ATIDA).
Training Courses:
- 1995 Arabic Typing Mastery, Sight & Sound Center, Jordan.
- 1996 English Typing Mastery, Sight & Sound Center, Jordan.
- 1997 English language, British Council, Jordan.
- 1998 English Conversation, Sight & Sound Center, Jordan.
- English language, CAREERXCHANGE Foundation, Jordan
- 2005 International Computer Driving License (ICDL), Jordanian Engineers' Association, Jordan.
- 2006 English Language Level 3 (Reading and Writing Skills), American Language Center, Jordan.
- 2006 English Language Level 3 (Listening and Speaking Skills), American Language Center, Jordan.
- 2006 Translator Training (Arabic-English/English-Arabic), Talal Abu-Ghazaleh School, German Jordanian University, Jordan.
- 2006 Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers, Language Center, University of Jordan.
- 2006 Trainer of Trainers (TOTs) in Environmental Laws and Regulations, Ministry of Environment and the Jordanian Environmental Society, Jordan.
- 2006 Specialised Training Course in Teaching Methods of SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) System, Jordan.
- 2007 German Language (Levels 1-3).
Activities and Conferences:
- Delivered a YouTube series of academic lectures on “Nuzhat Al Nadhr Fi Tawdih Nukhbat Al-Fikr - The Delight of Reflection in Explaining the Elite of Thought” (36 lectures) (2022-2023).
Link to the first lecture (Introductory): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tZRk9cG_-c
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Hadith Sciences: Transmission and Understanding” (2022).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/_GHY8gPs97o?si=C2P5d2SV5edH4013
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “The Reasonability of Hadith Authentication and Weakening Criteria” (2020).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/uSxsC17T9jw?si=6nn0rW23uEXRljTf
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Mercy and Tolerance in the Hadith ‘I was commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah’” (2020).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/i6zsbAD5DcU?si=awLlRSAuVnNCDlYe
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Explaining the Hadith ‘If there were to be a prophet after me, it would be Umar’” (2020).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/xFl5mHqMeF4?si=2QYJvVVzG3476JOH
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “What if a sound chain contradicts the text in Hadith?” (2020).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/KhdHcU10xEU?si=ic__7LtXhOnqbpJA
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Hadith and Textual Criticism” (2017).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/FGqJkMyDdUA?si=knTTkgPjzy7nz0yf
- Delivered two YouTube lectures on “Music: An Islamic Jurists’ Perspective” (2016-2017).
Link to the first lecture: https://youtu.be/e5mNF1QJUzU?si=vHw85OxhWC5hLCfX
Link to the second lecture: https://youtu.be/vcNGghiTwAg?si=ufLR01ikqR83y2c5
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “The Sunnah and its Relationship with the Qur’an: Authority, Role, and Documentation” (2016).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/xe035tSLIxI?si=Ib-jr58MnC59mqfa
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Interacting with Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim: Introduction to Authentication Criteria and Justice of the Companions” (2016).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/IKd8aSrvZ8Y?si=kTtYQyceu2JgcM2p
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Marriage to Aisha” (2016).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/Z1CG29F-lPA?si=SRVFLOV_R7GBhmRP
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Was a Verse of the Qur’an Lost? Discussion of the Hadith about the Goat Eating a Qur’anic Manuscript” (2016).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/8Tv2yy4Ll5c?si=kl_akJDrF7n3uGIF
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Hadith and Its Relation to Islamic Creed” (4 lectures) (2014).
Link to the first lecture: https://youtu.be/arLN91wvA18?si=p-l9nxs0SWhwvvcP
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim: Infallibility and Criticism” (2013).
Link to the lecture: https://youtu.be/23yJISbnOwg?si=WGIIQUhrzEIwXZt9
- Delivered a YouTube lecture on “The Science of Inheritance” (24 short videos) (2012-2013).
Link to the lecture:
- Delivered a Course on “Fundamentals of Inheritance Distribution”, Zarqa University, Jordan (March 7, 2011 - April 7, 2011).
- Conducted a Workshop on “Arts in Islam”, Zarqa University, Jordan (2010-2011).
- Delivered a Lecture on “Women's Rights under the Jordanian Personal Status Law”, Zarqa University, Jordan (March 22, 2010).
- Delivered a Lecture on “Pave Your Way to Allah with Roses”, Zarqa University, Jordan (November 23, 2009).
- Co-author: The Awareness Level of Islamic Education Teachers on the Prophetic Methods and Their Application: Islamic Education Teachers’ Perspective, Jerash University Journal, Jordan, April 16, 2019.