Dr. Nasser Ahmed Hassan Helwa


  1. 2013 PhD in Sunnah and its Sciences, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan.
  2. 1997 MA in Hadith and its Foundations, University of Jordan, Jordan.
  3. 1993 BA in Islamic Theology, University of Jordan, Jordan.

Work Experience:

  1. 2020-Present Teacher, Qatar School of Science and Technology, Qatar.
  2. 2018-2019 Assistant Professor, Qatar University, Qatar.
  3. 2017-2018 Lecturer, Al-Azz Ibn Abdul-Salam College, Jordan.
  4. 1999-2020 Teacher, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Qatar.
  5. 1996-1999 Teacher, Ministry of Education, Jordan.
  6. 1993-1999 Teacher, Islamic Center Schools, Jordan.

Activities and Conferences:

  1. November, 2022 Participation in the “Influencers Qualification Diploma (Level 3)”, Organised by Ruwasi Youth Dawa’a Academy.
  2. 2010-2018 Contributing to the Preparation and Judging of the Quran Memorisation Competition, Al-Ahli Club.
  3. 2018-2020 Participation in Curriculum Development for Islamic Education, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Qatar.
  4. 2002-2008 Collaboration in Authoring Islamic Education Textbooks (Grade 1 to Grade 12), Omar bin Al-Khattab Educational Complex, Qatar.
  5. Delivering a series of lectures on “Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases”.
  6. Conducting a workshop on “Teaching Methods in Islamic Education and Self-development”.



  1. “Conceptual Understanding of Imam Bukhari’s Terminology in his Book Al-Tarikh Al-Kabir (Comparative Applied Study of Munkar Al-Hadith)”.
  2. “Conceptual Understanding of Imam Bukhari’s Terminology in his Book Al-Tarikh Al-Kabir (Comparative Applied Study in its Chains, Narrations, Hadiths, Accounts of his Death, and its Preservation).”
  3. Editing and Proofreading: “Al-Zuhur Al-Bisam - Regarding Those Endearingly Named by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).”


  1. Narrators whom Imam Bukhari mentioned as ‘they remained silent about him in his Al-Tarikh Al-Kabir’”.
  2. Challenges of Applying Principles of Discrediting and Confirming the Reliability of Non-Hadith Narrators”.
  3. Read: Principles and Ideas in the Rules”.
  4. The Impact of Modelling Strategy on the Proficiency of Recitation and Tajweed Skills (Preparatory Stage): An Experimental Study”, Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Qatar.
  5. Assessing Students’ Attitudes towards Recitation and Tajweed Subject: An Experimental Study”, Supreme Education Council and Qatar University, 2010.


 [email protected]